Best Self Cleaning Litter Box: A Comparison

cat genie
No matter how much we all love our furry, feline friends, there’s one thing that none of us likes dealing with: the dreaded litter box. It’s something you may not have to deal with if you have an outdoor cat, but for all those...

Do Cats Fart? Your Questions Answered

cat flatulence
If you’re a cat owner the chances are that you already know the answer to this one: do cats fart? The short answer is that yes cats can and often do fart. Dogs are well known for their bouts of unpleasant flatulence, especially as...

Human Foods That Cats Can Eat: Top 10

human foods that cats can eat
From time to time we all fall victim to that plaintiff cry as we eat dinner. It's difficult to resist that adorable stare that follows every forkful of food into your mouth. So we cave and we feed our cat a tidbit from our...
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Woman Takes 20yo Cat Home From Shelter After Month In Cage

A woman took a super senior cat out of the shelter so she could live out the rest of her life with vet care, food, comfy pillows,...
black cat

National Black Cat Day

If you're a cat person and you've looked at social media today at some point, it can't have escaped your attention that we're celebrating Black Cat Day. I...

Tiny Kitten Can’t Bear To Leave Officer Who Saved Him

A tiny kitten offered a helping paw to his rescuers at their office after they gave him a second chance at life. Queensland Police Service A little black kitten...

Kitten Can’t See, Rescuers Help Her & Are Stunned By Her Eyes

A tiny kitten found on the streets was knocking at death's door. Rescuers took her in just in time, and within 24 hours, they brought her back...

You’ll Love How This Shelter Rehomes Its Cats

Many cats at the RSPCA (Leybourne) had been waiting for their forever homes for too long, so the shelter staff came up with a creative idea to...