So you’ve visited the shelter and, despite the prevailing attitude towards black cats, you’ve fallen love with the perfect little guy. But let’s be honest, that name they gave him just won’t do. So what to call him? Never fear, we have a list of over 400 black cat name ideas for you to choose from. If you’ve been paying attention you’ll know that our black cat is called Andrew, but I haven’t included that here. “Andrew” is truly a name for all and any cats.
Black Cat Names: The Full List
Abracadabra | Dark Lord | Knight | Prune | Winona |
Absinthe | Dark Man | Kodiak/Kodi | Puddle | Witchcraft |
Ace (of spades) | Dark Matter | Koko | Pukka/Pucka | Wraith |
Achromatic (without color) | Dark Star | Kona | Puma | Yankee |
Addams | Darkness | Kujo | Quicksilver | Yin (black in yin yan symbol) |
Adrian | Darkside | Kuro | Quinn | Zebra |
Adrianna | Darth | Kuro (Japanese for black) | Raider | Zorro |
Ali | Dead of Night | Lady Heather | Raincloud | |
Almond Joy | Death | Lady of the Night | Raindrop | |
Amaro | Decker | Lady Sleeps a Lot | Raisin | |
Angus | Deja vu | Lane | Rajani | |
Anise | Demetrius | Lassie | Ranger | |
Arcane | Demon | Latex | Rasmus | |
Ash | Demon | Layla | Raven | |
Asher | Depression | Leila | Reaper | |
Ashes | Devil | Lela | Rebel | |
Asphalt | Dice (die) | Lex | Rex | |
Astral | Diesel | Licorice | Rocky | |
Balcundi | Domino | Light (black light) | Rook | |
Baron | Donnie Darko | Lilith | Sabbath | |
Bat | Doolin/Dubhlainn | Link | Sable | |
Batman | Dot | Lovecraft (H.P.) | Sabrina | |
Batty | Douchi | Lucy | Salem | |
BC (black cat) | Dougal | Magic | Satin | |
Beans | Dracula | Magpie | Scorch | |
Bear | Drusy (a form of quartz) | Mamba | Sepia | |
Beast | Dugan | Marbles | Shade/Shady | |
Beauty | Duncan | Market | Shadow | |
Bedlam | Dusk | Marmite | Shadow (most used of all black cat names) | |
Beetle | Dusk or Dusky | Max | Shaq | |
Beluga | Dusty | Mayhem | Sharpie | |
Bittersweet (chocolate) | Duvessa | Merle | Sheba | |
Black Jack | Dwarf | Midas | Silhouette | |
Black Orchid | Ebony | Midnight | Silky | |
Black Pearl | Eclipse | Miner | Sin | |
Black Rose | Edie | Mirlo | Sinister | |
Blackbeard | Ego | Misty | Sirius | |
Blackberry | Egypt | Moon | Six Zero (six digit number for black) | |
Blackbird | Eight Ball (8-Ball) | Moonbeam | Skiker | |
Blackie | Eightball | Moonstruck | Skylar | |
Blackie Chan | Elmer | Mora | Slater | |
Blackjack | Elvira | Morris | Slick | |
Blackout | Ember | Morticia | Sly (cat name for a troublemaker) | |
Blackstar | Emery | Mourn (morn) | Smoke | |
Blackster | Enigma | Mr. Black | Smoke/Smoky | |
Blacktop | Espresso | Mr. Sandman | Smudge | |
Blaken (Dutch - to burn) | Falcon | Musta (Finnish for black) | Snickers | |
Bluto | Fang | Mystery | Soot Sprite | |
Bogart | Felix | Mystic | Sooty | |
Bonfire | Ferrer | Nebula | Spade | |
Boogie Man | Flagg | Nebulous | Spellbinder | |
Bootleg | Friday | Nera | Spider | |
Boots | Fudge | Nerissa | Spook | |
Boreen | Gaelic | Nero | Spooky | |
Bowtie | Gethin | Nestle | Spot | |
Box | Gloom | New Moon | Stain | |
Bram (Stoker) | Godiva | Nigel | Starlight | |
Bran | Gomez | Night | Steed | |
Brenna | Goth | Nighthawk | Stoker (Bram) | |
Bronson | Gotham | Nightingale | Storm | |
Brunette | Gothic | Nightmare | Storm Cloud | |
Bubba | Granite | Nightshade | Storm/Stormy | |
Bullseye | Grim | Nightwalker | Stripes | |
Burilda | Grimm | Nimbus | Stygian | |
Burn | Guadalupe | Nimbus (dark clouds) | Styx | |
Burnt | Guinness | Ninja | Sullivan/Sully | |
Butler | Gypsy | Nocturnal | Sunday | |
Cadbury | Hades | Noir | Sundown | |
Caps | Half-Moon | Noir (French for black) | Sunset | |
Carbon | Halloween | Nox (lights out) | Sweart (Old English for black) | |
Carden | Harlem | Nuit | Taboo | |
Cerny | Hat | Nutella | Tadpole | |
Chanyaka | Hellraiser | Oboe | Talladega | |
Charcoal | Hendrix | Obsidian | Tar | |
Checkers | Hershey | Odin | Tarmac | |
Chip | Hex | Oil Slick | Tattoo | |
Chocolate | Hitchcock (Alfred) | Olive | Thunder | |
Chu Dhub | Hole | Omen | Tina | |
Churchill | Horseshoe | Onyx | Toondoo | |
Cinder | Huyen | Onyx | Tootsie | |
Cinders | Ice (black ice) | Oogie | Treacle | |
Clootie | India (ink) | Opal | Tux | |
Coal (cole) | Indigo | Orchid | Tuxedo | |
Coco | Ink/Inky | Oreo | Twilight | |
Cocopuff | Inky | Othello | Twix | |
Coffee | Isis | Ouiji | Twizzler | |
Coke | Jamaica | Pagan | Ty (tie) | |
Cola | Java | Panther | Tynan | |
Colbie | Jax | Papa Midnight | Undertaker | |
Cop (police cars are black and white) | Jester | Payday | Vader | |
Corbin | Jet | Pearl | Vader | |
Cordial | Jet | Penguin | Valkyrie | |
Count | Jezebel | Pepper | Vampira | |
Creeper | Jinx | Pepsi | Vampirella | |
Crescent | Ju Ju | Phantom | Velcro | |
Crow | Jynx | Phlegein (Ancient Greek - scorch) | Velvet | |
Crow | K.O. (knockout) | Pirate | Velvet | |
Crumbs | Kali | Pitch | Vesper | |
Cupcake | Kasabian | Poe (Edgar Allan) | Vlad | |
Currant | Keera | Pomfrey | Voltaire | |
Cynge | Kenya | Poppy | Voodoo | |
Dahlia | Kerry | Preto | Vortex | |
Damien | Kettle (pot calling kettle black) | Preto (Portuguese for black) | Warlock | |
Dank | Kiki | Priest | Wednesday | |
Darcy | King (Stephen) | Prieto | Wicked |